In the last year - hell, in the last month - I've finally started to accumulate some life points. You know, apartment, job, car, that sorta thing. I wish I could say that stuff doesn't mean anything to me, but it does. I've spent the past year immersed in pseudo-academic study of what makes geeks what they are, and I'm obviously doing it for a reason. I want to change who I am.

After several years of considering myself hot shit in the web world I've finally done something to back the claim up. It's small but it feels good.

I was at a pool party in San Rafael all day Saturday and after it devolved to watching friends play Quake II for an hour and a half I took off, thinking I'd come to the party. I got two blocks down the street when I realized I hadn't checked for directions to the warehouse. I was going to turn around... but for some reason I didn't. I drove home.

Participation is not easy for some of us. I don't know why yet.

But your baby's growing up beautifully, Derek. Keep it real.

mike {}

In the past year I opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I began to see some of the people around me as they really were, and despite the fact that looking back I sometimes regret escaping the safety of my cocoon, I have to remind myself that such things simply don't last very long...

...and I just want to thank S. for helping me be a little more rational and sane and free.

Thanks for everything.

Happy birthday, fray!

Roman S.

In the past year, I've managed to turn my best friend into lover, then bitter rival. I've stopped and restarted school three times. I conquered my long-time battle with insomnia....only to have it creep back in the last few weeks. And now, I've finally managed to post something to the {fray}. I found you almost one year ago to the day....I wonder what took me so long. Happy Birthday!

jewels {}

Wow. Is anyone even reading this far? I am but a little Sam.


My last year threw me forward out of the last shades of childhood. I'm not the same person I was even six months ago. It happened, it was powerful, and I'm here now.

That's all I care to say.

Happy birthday, Fray! I just started reading a couple of months ago; I felt too intimidated before that. I still do, but well, it can be cleansing.

Or whatever.

Samantha {}

"do what you like, and the money will follow"

a phrase heard often but never seen in action. for me. until this year.

a web site started on a whim, as a creative outlet from an safe-and-ok but not very exciting job, led to a new job, a new house, a move across country and much excitement.

and a job where i feel i should be paying them (almost )

along the way, fray has been an inspiration, both through its stories and through the fray project as a whole.

thanks derek and all, and i'll look for you on the streets of SF. sorry i missed the party, but i am there in spirit, of course.

mike {}

last year i found a job i like. last year i moved out of a house. last year i moved into a home. last year i fell in love. last year i fell in love again. last year i drank too much. way too much. last year i discovered fray. was last year real?

shomu {shomuj@hotma...blah, blah}

and oh...happy b'day fray. i drank to you D.

shomu again

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