I got bored. Not being at an open mic makes my mind want to roam.

So I figured I'd make something nice for the Fray as a present (I hope Derek doesn't mind my using the fray graphic for this...*grins*) :)


PS: Think of it as a little birthday card.

Nat Harari {nat@harari.org}

Over the last year I found my ego. No, the Grand Canyon trip was no the trigger, just a catalyst. The goatee I had time to grow during the trip was the trigger. I found out how important I am and how greedy ego can be. I still have my job and the goatee. Feels like final steps into adulthood; defining character with resounding permanence.

I’ve lurked on this site for the entire year and enjoyed the silent reflection and patient unfolding of personal experiences.

Happy Birthday {fray} and

Thank You.

Richard Dragon {reddragon@adelphia.net}

Molly's going up on stage now. We've heard from Derek (it occurs to me that it might be smarter to read what anyone else has posted, but what the hell, I'm lazy) who serenaded us and told of taking his dad's Beamer to San Fran, Adam spoke but I was outside trying to get cool because, can I say, it's fucking hot in here. Steamy. Sultry. Not at all comfy. Owen says, "Oh my God, Molly's doing the sauce shit." Srini is passing out his "FUCK WORK" stickers, making this 'the place to be.' I'm carrying around a little recording device and geting interviews that I may or may not use later for backmailing purposes. I am not planning on speaking. I have nothing humorous to impart.

This past year has been filled with way too much travel and way too little sleep. I don't mind my job anymore, since someone asked. I am not moving to San Francisco - I'm not abnormal enough yet. You really need some abnormality to fit in, and I drive a Honda Accord, so, y'know, I'm basically fucked.

It's still hot in here. But I still bet you wish you were here.

Lance {too.fucking.drunk@glassdog.com}

A year ago, I had yet again left everything familiar in my life, but things seemed different from the routine, somehow. One person made a difference. I didn't want to acknowledge that, though. So, I'd feel miserable and attribute it to indigestion; I'd crave for a hug, a smile, a voice and blame it on having had too many drinks.

A week ago, I sobbed out, "I miss you" on the phone. The other day, I mailed the words, "you're the most important person in my life right now...".

Everything could've been encapsulated in, "I love you." I've yet to offer that overused phrase. Soon. Maybe. After all, the fray has always given me hope.

Happy 2nd birthday, fray! I'm still lovin' it.

Mai-ne Fernandez {vastus@aliennachos.com}

So there I was, horizontal for at least a month, diagnosed by the doctor as having contracted hepatitis A. One week into the illness I realized I'd soon start losing my mind from boredom. Then I discovered {The Fray}. It was in an article about Derek Powazek done by Newsweek...or was it Time...anyway. There was a oicture who of a man who looked alot like I might in two three years. Long hair, frenchbeard, glasses except he wa a man on top of his world. And that intrigued me. Fray was described as an internet sensation. I checked it out. A few mouseclicks later I was immersed in a world that revolutionised the way I looked at the internet. And at story telling. Inspired I learned HTML, java and all he other assorted tools of web development. I built a web-site that blatantly ripped off Frays design and I admit my lack originality. Time passed...my skills improved and I became a highly regarded web-designer in little old Pakistan. I keep busy now...between web-designing and studying for my Computer Science degree. But no matter what, I make the time to visit my source of inspiration....Derek powazek and his {fray}.

Sami Shah {samishah@angelfire.com}

In the last year I've been visiting places and experiencing things I'm sure everyone who ever loved me prayed I would never have to encounter. I've been to back streets of my hometown and witnessed heroin being purchased from out of the pants of a 19-year-old dealer in front of a home for the blind. I've ransacked my house for things to sell for drug money. I've moved three times to unwelcoming places barely deserving of the name 'home' to have more money for drugs. I've burst into tears in front of my co-workers a dozen times. I've asked for countless advances and with no reason to offer that wasn't a lie. I've filed bankruptcy and had two cars repossed. I've watched thousands of dollars being shot into the arm of my husband. I've seen him passed out on the bathroom floor and felt a disturbing calm when I found no pulse. Someone I loved tried to physically harm me when I tried to walk away. I've learned that love does not conquer all. In the last year I've found more strength and determination in the face of despair than I ever thought I had.

Heidi Stephens {heidi_e_stephens@hotmail.com}

Wow! What a deal this Fray is...thanks for the laughs, ideas, and inspirations! This is the one place I can come to vent and know that you are all listening to me! Thanks!

Rachel {divaden@hotmail.com}

Happy birthday, fray.

Derek, you're all that and a bag of chips. But I don't need to tell you that. Congrats.

This year...I fell in love (once against my will) and was broken in the process. I became disgusted with humanity. I got over it. I relearned how to enjoy being alone.

My grandmother died. Bad blood was healed in my family. My friend's wife and child died. I watched people suffer and felt helpless. I got sick. I've gotten mostly better.

I finally started to believe in my talents and in myself.

I've lost direction and found a new one.

Thanks again, for being one of the best things that's happened to the web and for being an enormous inspiration.

that touchstone girl {lara@coe.missouri.edu}

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