12 months ago, I was putting my possessions into storage and moving my family to our new home on our friend's living room floor, with no idea how we would get ourselves out of the financial spiral of a low income in the Bay Area.

Now, we live in a house deep in the forest. The rent is near miniscule, there's space for all our things, and enough privacy to walk around outside naked. My husband has a good job, and we're close to my family. I've discovered that my parents are people I'd want to be friends with if I wasn't related to them.

So why did it take so long to make the move? Because I had to give up the self who grew up in this town. I had to love and value myself enough to trust that I could survive a move back to a place where I had been the worst freak in the high school. I made the leap, and discovered, to my mixed delight and chagrin, that no one seems to be left here who remembers me.

Margo Anderson {margo@directcon.net}

In this last year, I learned that I was bi.

In this last year, I've found a great dear friend who's probably at this party now - without me.

In this last year, I've told stories of my own, too many at a times, sometimes.

In this last year, I've read the Fray too many times. Happy Birthday Fray!

joshua bruce {joshua@zebe.net}

Another year from now, Fray will turn three. Does Fray realize this? I doubt it does... it's merely a collaboration of the pains and joys of others.

In and of itself, it is nothing.

What if life revolves around the same axis?

Without the pains - and the joys - it would be nothing. So think back on this year, as I know I will, and then think back two years, then three, and then all of them. Try and recall whenever you have been sad, whenever you have been happy.

It's what makes life so damn cool.

I'm stoked, Derek, and you better be too. Else you're wasting life. Enjoy the pain of the years, Fraylings...


Sajan {sajan@darklock.com}

This is the year I learned that telling the truth is a worthless and tedious practice and I dispensed with it altogether. When everyone tells the truth, the wretched similarities between us all become alarmingly apparent, as even the posts here demonstrate. I refuse to bore you with honesty.

Happy birthday.

Joshua Allen {josh@fireland.com}

Oh, baby! I was this (tiny little space between thumb and forefinger) close to making it to fray2! Agh!

I hope all youse guys are steppin' up to the mic. Although it makes my palms sweat a bit just thinking about it, I would be up there making an ass of myself because these moments are rare ones. A chance to give back to the fray is not one to be squandered.

Happy anniversary, baby. Got you on my mind.

christopher naze {naze@internetcds.com}

{fray}! Happy Birthday..

I hope join..next yr.. if cash is moderate..

ps.I still remember.. derek's Birthdaysong... often..^^;

Kim_Daeyoung {oddkid@oddkid.8m.com}


I'm supposed to be there right now , but can't because of some other issues... All I'll say is "Creeping Eruption" and that's it...

Happy Terrible Twos fray and many happy returns.

Have fun. Be Merry. Let the mic be open.

Love and kisses,

Bill Hilf {bhilf@cnet.com}

I really miss the west coast. I miss UCSC. I miss Santa Cruz and San Francisco. I miss teaching photography over there. But ever since I fell upon the Fray, it's given me new hope that I can keep in touch with a world outside of this Washington Beltway. A world I happen to enjoy and love. I know the Fray isn't just about west coast web literati, but indulge my fantasy for a bit. :)

I also want to thank Derek for inspiring me to create my own webzine. :) Or...webzine(s). :)

Okay. Enough mopy stuff. We all hope fray reaches three, four, five...hell, maybe 100 years. Then again...do we really know what the web will be like in a hundred years? :) Is it going to be something out of a Star Trek episode where we all put in punch-cards to activate the computer as the latest technology with blinking lights is touted? Have you noticed that looking at a Star Trek episode is like watching a retro architectural fashion show in the 90's? :) Wait..what am I saying?

Happy birthday, Fray. Nice work, Derek, and everyone who wrote for the zine.


The Plunger

Everything I know, I learned as a boy in the fray.

Nat Harari {nat@harari.org}

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