By Zack Edwards
The base shakes, the buck moves, the squibs fire, and then, Houston, we have a problem.
By Erik Benson
I'd become steeled to my own selfishness.
Playing with Fire
By Derek Powazek
This was demonic vegetation. Pure evil. It had to be stopped. And it was up to me.
By Jessica Webster
I liked the weird hours and underworld glamour, but the charm wore off that night.
A Card for Fray
By Derek Powazek and You
Do you remember when it was just you, me, and that guestbook script?
The Rules of Carpentry
By Christian Roselund
The row of duplexes stood half-built in the cruel Colorado sun.
Chicken Tenderfoot
By Skot Kurruk
I was splish-splashing in a mini-lake of clammy poultry. Sexy. |
By Alex Massie
These women had lives as crazy and muddled as mine. I was sure.
Fray Turns Two
By Derek Powazek and You
Tonight the fray got real.
By Shauna Wright
It didn't take long for me to realize why the money was so good.
Behind the Bar
By J. Tarin Towers
There are two kinds of bars in Iowa City: college bars and dives. Memories was a dive.
Becoming a Walker
By Dave Housley
With a sharp excuse me and a businesslike shoveto the right, I was initiated into rush hour.
The Lesson
By Vincent Farquharson
There are five billion people on the planet. How much is a human life worth? |
A Year in the Fray
By Derek Powazek and You
When I think about the last year, it comes back to me in moments.
Escape from the Machine
By Lance Arthur
I am stepping off the rubberized grip of The Comfort Zone.
By Michelle Compton
It's a place I will always love, but can never go back to.
Internship of Fools
By Luke Seemann
Hope, disappointment and clandestine meetings at whitehouse.gov.
Alive in the Machine
By Lance Arthur
It's not my life. It's just my job. Really.
By Derek Powazek
The short story of a year as a cog in the digital revolution machine.