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Previously: Fray Day 8
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Milwaukee photos are up!
Anyone interested in checking out pictures from Milwaukee's first ever Fray Day (held 12/1/04) can access them by clicking the "Photos" link below.... More »

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cdFray Cafe 3
Thriteen true story performances from Fray Cafe 3 in Austin, Texas.
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cdFray Day 5
True story performances and music from Fray Day 5 in San Francisco.
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Saturday 22 October 05

Fray is on hiatus
Posted by Derek at 1:19PM

Fray began in September, 1996, with one simple idea: That the web was the ultimate conduit for personal storytelling. We saw a future web full of personal voices, where everyone has the power to tell their stories.

Nine years later, that's the web we have. Personal sites, homepages, and blogs are blooming like flowers on every topic imaginable. From the sublime to the silly, the beautiful to the banal, there are more personal voices on the web today than anyone ever could have imagined. Maybe we can take a tiny bit of credit for that.

But it's been a long haul. Fray's never made any money, and the stress of balancing this labor of love with the rest of work and life has taken its toll. I just don't have the time to keep the project moving forward anymore.

Plus, Fray was born in the early days of the web. Each story has been hand crafted and the technology that powers the posting is woefully out of date. To do Fray right means creating a whole new community framework, and that takes time.

So Fray is going on hiatus. There will be no new stories or events for a while, but the current site will remain accessible as an archive. Thanks to everyone who's contributed a story here over the years.

We still believe in the power of the personal story, and you can bet that Fray will be reborn to honor those stories again in the future. Until then, thanks for fraying with us. And whatever you do, keep telling your stories.

Saturday 28 May 05

Fray Author Lance Anderson is Podcasting
Posted by Anderson at 7:29PM

Hey gang I've been Podcasting for the last few months. You can hear a whole bunch of my stories at Verge of the Fringe. I even perform my Fray story "Letterman on Acid".... Come check it out.

Continue reading "Fray Author Lance Anderson is Podcasting" »

Tuesday 12 April 05

Life and Death
Posted by Derek at 12:09AM

An amazing story of Life and Death and carpet on van walls. Be sure to read all the way to the end.

Tuesday 5 April 05

The Thumb-sized Heart of TK the Cat
Posted by Derek at 11:57PM

A very sad story from Paul Ford: The Thumb-sized Heart of TK the Cat. Condolences.

Posted by Derek at 12:32AM

In My childhood, seen by Google Maps, Matt Haughey annotates an overhead map with stories from his childhood. Fantastic! Update: He's added his college years. Update again: Now there's whole group dedicated to it!

Saturday 26 February 05

Purple Hearts
Posted by Derek at 9:28PM

The Digital Journalist presents Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq, stories and photos from soldiers who've returned from Iraq, changed.

Monday 21 February 05

Posted by Derek at 1:03PM

TGSNT is for The Greatest Story Never Told, where you can watch video stories and vote for your favorite.

Sunday 13 February 05

Happy Valentine's Day
Posted by Derek at 10:48PM

It's Valentine's Day day again, so check out a few stories about love in Fray:

The Things We Do for Love: Special Group Story: 10 stories of what we do for love and what love does for us.

Things Given: Susan Kath's history of gifts from lovers. What have you been given?

Chagrin and the Men I have Loved: Whenever Margaret Berry has had something to blush about, the men she's loved have always been there.

And elsewhere: We love this video story from Zefrank and these fabulous crush stories.

It's a Secret
Posted by Derek at 10:46PM

The PostSecret Project invites you to make a postcard out of a deep dark secret and mail it in to share it anonymously with the world. Check out the postcards received so far and send in your own!

Wednesday 5 January 05

Posted by Heather at 9:57AM

"On the 22nd of December 2004, Kyle Van Horn taped a disposable camera to a piece of black foamcore and inscribed upon it the following message: 'ATTENTION POSTAL WORKERS! Please help us with our project. As this camera travels across the country we want photos of all whom it encounters. Please take a photo before you pass it along. Thank you!'"

Justin has posted the results of that camera's journey.

Saturday 25 December 04

Merry Christmas
Posted by Derek at 12:28AM

"The funniest piece of mail I get arrives in the first week in December." Enjoy these classic Fray Christmas stories: Kathy's Annual Ladies Luncheon by Beth Lisick and The Tree by yours truly. Merry Christmas from the Fray!

Tuesday 7 December 04

Happy Chanukah
Posted by Derek at 11:09PM

Chanukah begins tonight, and what better way to celebrate than with a retelling of the classic holiday Fray story, The Tree. What's your favorite holiday story?

Hollywood "Broken Hearts"
Posted by Anderson at 1:48PM

Fray Author Lance Anderson (that's me) will be performing a 30 minute piece of his new show "Broken Hearts & Sad Country Songs" this Thursday, December 9th at 8pm at the Karma Coffeehouse in Hollywood.

Continue reading "Hollywood "Broken Hearts"" »

Sunday 5 December 04

Bookends in Words Magazine
Posted by Derek at 1:24AM

I'm thrilled to have contributed an updated version of my protest story, Bookends, first posted here in Fray, to the 4th issue of Words! Words! Words! Magazine, which is all about protest. The issue also features writing by Savannah Schroll, David Barringer, Kathy Fish, Steve Himmer, Ryan Kennebeck and Sean Ferrell, photography by Beth Stegall, and drawings by "drew" of

It's a great book and at $5 it's a freaking steal. So if you're looking for a great gift for the old hippie or young lit snob in your family, this is it.

Wednesday 1 December 04

World AIDS Day
Posted by Derek at 9:28AM

"It's December first again. Another December without a cure. Another December without Robert." Day Without Fray is our annual World AIDS Day story. How has your life been touched by AIDS?

Monday 29 November 04

Dut Dut
Posted by Derek at 11:35PM

Ryan MacMichael performed at the recent Fray Day 8 Fredericksburg and was kind enough to share his performance. Dut dut!

Wednesday 24 November 04

Giving Thanks
Posted by Derek at 9:03AM

It's Thanksgiving, which means it's time to highlight our annual turkey day story: Giving Thanks. What are you thankful for this year?

Wednesday 17 November 04

Have Bliss
Posted by Derek at 11:06AM

Mark Osborne's More is an absolutely stunning animated short that tells an emotional story with no words (and some really great music). Watch it online.

Tuesday 16 November 04

America has this stuff?
Posted by Edward at 10:57AM

Looking for a new physical and mental challenge? A personal quest for your 2005 to-do list, perhaps? How about checking out On The American Trail a cool interactive look at the extensive and growing network of historic trails being established in the U.S. From "the Freedom Trail" in Boston, to the 3,700 mile Lewis and Clark historic trail spanning the west, you'd wear out a store full of Timberlands before you ever finished walking. So get off your duff and start planning a hike. Stuff like this is what Americans are supposed to do.

Friday 12 November 04

Fray Day Continues
Posted by Derek at 4:03PM

Fray Day 8 continues this weekend in San Francisco, California, Dallas, Texas, and New Haven, Connecticut. Next up: Washington DC on Nov. 17 and Fredericksburg, Virginia on Nov. 20. And there's more coming in December! If there's a Fray Day near you, don't miss it.

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