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fray cafe 3 cd



Fray Cafe 3 CD
True stories by real people told live in Austin on March 9, 2003

Track list
1. The Scar - Derek Powazek
2. When I was a Stud - Jish Mukerji
3. Another Day at the Video Store - Kevin Smokler
4. Treasure Trail - Ryan Clark
5. Five Rules for Living - Tarin Towers
6. 80s Medly - Scott Andrew LePera
7. Falling in Love with a Poor Man - Brad L. Graham
8. Lunch with Grandpa Caleb - John Styn
9. Riot at the Quaker Auditorium - Dave Thomas
10. Mistaken Identity - George Kelly
11. My Dad Beat Up Batman - Ben Brown
12. Untied - Mike Wasylik
13. Band Scars - Geoffrey Long

See also
» Fray Cafe 3 Photos
» Rants and Raves

Huge thanks to Scott Andrew LePera, who did the wonderful audio production, and the performers, who donated their talent to support the Fray. Thank you all!

Fray Cafe is a flash flood of human emotion. It appears in cities all over the world at random intervals, and real people come out and tell their true stories.

Fray Cafe 3 happened in Austin, Texas, on March 9, 2003. The Mercury Lounge was smokey that night - full of beer and stories and stage fright. The brave souls who took the stage that night each had five minutes and a microphone to tell a true story. What came out was amazing, and 13 of them are captured on this CD.

From Scott singing the songs he grew up with to Derek's tale of blood and teddy bear guts, from Kevin's video store nightmare to Tarin's explosion of estrogen, from Brad's misplaced lust to Geoffrey's band scars, from Ben's homicidal dad to Ryan's treasure trail ... each story captures a magic moment in the teller's life, and resonates with anyone with blood still in their veins.

We've sold out of this CD, but iTunes users can buy a digital copy from the iTunes music store.

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