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Previously Fray Day 8 October - December, 2004 Everywhere |
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. |
Previously Fray Cafe Austin 4 14 March 2004 Austin, TX |
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
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Event News Archives
March 2005 XML Syndication |
September 2003
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: As seen in Flavorpill There's a really nice mention of Fray Day in the SF and LA editions of today's Flavorpill. Flavorpill is a the cool event guide to know about, so it's quite an honor!
Fray Day 7 DC: Featured performers: Michael Alex Wasylik. Continuing the announcements of Fray Day DC's featured performers comes one of my favorite fray alums (and my absolute favorite lawyer), Mike Wasylik. For his bio, Mike writes:
Mike's weblog can be found at www.perpetualbeta.com/woifm/, and a sample of his storytelling prowess, "Untied," can be found on the Fray Cafe 3 CD.
Fray Day 7 Chicago: Go Cubs! Alright, everybody get out and root for the Cubs to sweep or at least win in 4! Game 5 would be Sunday night. But .... Cubs or no Cubs - the Fray is on!
Fray Day 7 Chicago: Start Time Correction - 7:00 PM Holy shit! Sally Ann just called to say all of our posters say the event is starting at 7:00 PM but he Fray website says 8:00. The answer is 7:00. Doors open at 7:00 the storytelling will get started around 7:30. Sorry for the screw up.
Fray Day 7 Grand Rapids: Featured Performer: Paul Moore
Fray Day 7 DC: Some Fray Day DC clarifications. It has come to my attention that there are still some decent-sized questions floating around about Fray Day DC this year. So, a few answers are in order. Fray Day DC is a free event. Thanks to the fantastic people running our venue, we don't need to sell tickets! Come on down for an evening of free storytelling and entertainment. Fray Day DC will have refreshments available via the venue. Since I moved here, Common Grounds has received way too much of my money. I recommend their chai and their mochas. Their menu is available here. If you're looking for more sizeable sustenance, there's a diner right across the street, and a number of other restaraunts within walking distance. Fray Day DC will have free wi-fi access on location. Want to come down, bring your laptop and blog the event in real-time? Go for it! Fray Day DC parking may be limited, so you might want to take the Metro. There's a decent-sized parking lot right next to our venue, and parking should be free at that time of night, but Common Grounds tends to be kind of hopping on a Friday night, so you might want to take the train. The Metro stop is Clarendon. Come up out of the station, do a U-turn and walk until you see the place. You can't miss it -- it's a small house-type place across a wide intersection of streets a block or two down. Fray Day DC is going to be laid-back. Some Fray Day events are big three-ring events. Fray Day DC is going to be more like a bunch of friends sitting around telling stories. Well, sure, with a stage. And a mic. And maybe a videocamera. But! The important thing is that you'll be among friends here, telling tales in a comfortable little coffeeshop. Come on down and swap some stories! Any other questions? Drop me a line. I hope to see you there!
Fray Day 7 Grand Rapids: Featured Performer: Aaron B. Smith
Fray Day 7 Grand Rapids: Featured Performer: Bonnie Jo Campbell
Fray Day 7 DC: Featured performers: David Thomas. Third on our list of featured performers is David Thomas. For his bio, he writes:
David is also a film critic for Inkblots, as well as a returning Fray talent, whose story "Riot at the Quaker Auditorium" appears on the Fray Cafe 3 CD. More featured performers to come!
Fray Day 7 DC: Featured perfomers: William R. Coughlan. Next up on our featured performers list is William R. Coughlan, a screenwriter, animator, film producer and critic. For his bio, William writes: What he didn't put in there is that he's also one of those people who can tell a really, really boisterous story when he gets into it. This is going to be good.
Fray Day 7 DC: Featured performers: Talon Beeson Hey, DC storytellers! Our Internet access finally returned this morning after Hurricane Isabel came a-thunderin' through, so I can, at long last, share with you some of our featured perfomers. First up is Talon Beeson, an old friend of mine who is coming all the way from Chicago to regale us with stories of his adventures in the theater business. For his bio, Talon writes: When I first spoke with him about this, he was also threatening to bring his guitar. Stay tuned! (Um, no pun intended. I swear.)
Fray Day 7 LA: LA Finds Mike Bonifer Mike Bonifer is a writer and director based in Los Angeles whose most recent projects are "Band Camp," an original script being produced by Universal Pictures; a documentary entitled "Finding Bill Murray"; and a children's film called "Bill's Trash Can Rocket"; At the Fray event in June in Sedona, Arizona, Bonifer told a story about a Japanese tea ceremony gone so wrong that they're still talking about it in Tokyo...
Fray Day 7 Copenhagen: Fortællere 2 (featured performers 2) This post is in Danish, continuing the presentation of the featured performers at the Copenhagen Fray Day event. Her fortsætter den korte introduktion af de programsatte fortællere til Fray Day på søndag. Se også den første præsentation af fortællerne og den generelle introduktion til arrangementet. Continue reading "Fortællere 2 (featured performers 2)" »
Fray Day 7 LA: Juliet Curry Added to Featured Tellers Juliet Curry, has performed around the world with a variety of groups and shows, including ImprovOlympic, The Second City, ComedySportz, and the critically acclaimed Boom Chicago, based in Amsterdam. Juliet's has taught improvisation and comedy workshops to students internationally, traveling to Holland, Switzerland, Portugal and beyond. Here in LA, she is a founding member of the all-female improvisation group, Powerbox, which had a two year run at the ImprovOlympic West. She has written and performed her pieces for numerous showsincluding "Deflowered," 15 Minutes of Fem, the Lysistrata Benefit, Story Salon,and The Fray.
Fray Day 7 New Haven: New Haven Features We've got some great writers on the slate for Fray Day 7. Join us at ARTSPACE, 50 Orange St., New Haven, CT. Hosted by Jennifer Dauphinais, from the New Haven Advocate. Featured storytellers: Adrian Brune, (www.subwaystoriesnyc.com)
Fray Day 7 Houston: Coming to Fray Houston Some notes about getting to Nexus Cafe. Nexus Cafe is on the 2nd floor of Walden Internet Village leasing office. To enter Nexus Cafe, park and walk through the giant doors in the middle of the row of the Walden apartment buildings (You will not need to go through the security gates). Chances are you won't be able to find a parking spot at the front, but you can easily park across the street or at the church parking lot on the other side. The event starts at 8:00, and seating is very limited, so come early. Also, be sure to eat before coming. The cafe offers only the basics of coffee, beverages and vending machines. We are not talking about a fine dining establishment, but more of a geek hangout. Please don't bring any food or drinks. Another thing. The flyer mentioned that we will have music, and at the moment that appears not to be the case. Also, we still have a few more openings for storytellers. --If anybody has ideas, please contact me at idiotprogrammerNOTTHISPART@fastmailbox.net. The event is free, but a $1 donation is recommended.
Fray Day 7 Houston: How to Learn about Storytelling Events? How does one hear about literary/storytelling events in Houston? In addition to the Houston Storytellers' Guild Calendar , there is Houston Great Books , Event Calendars by KUHF and KPFT , Readings at Brazos Bookstore and Margaret Brown Reading Series , Houston Press' Picks of the Week , CityCafe and Meetup Houston . Also, Fray founder Derek Powazek's Storyblog offers excellent picks about online storytelling sites.
Fray Day 7 Chicago: More Featured Performers! Chicago has rounded out the featured performers. Along with David Kokeski, Billy Lombardo, Elyzabeth Ashe we have Jason Pettus and Tyler Bohne. Updated bios's on everyone are below. Continue reading "More Featured Performers!" »
Fray Day 7 Austin: Long Time, No Blog! Dear everyone, It has been a long, hard road since the last time I blogged for you about the upcoming and very exciting Fray Day Austin 7 7 7! But here I am to tell you that things are still on schedule, rolling forward like a great big truck on it's way to Heaven, if your particular religion defines Heaven as a night of personal story telling. We have featured speakers! Michael Brown! Kevin Newsum! Tim Thompson! Julie Pennington! And of course, your loving and attentive MC, Ben Brown! Here is your homework assignment: Go get in the shower, wash off the stinky Austin dirt that covers your body, and think up a special story for Fray Day. It can be serious. It can be dark and mysterious. It can be hilarious. All we care about is that the adjective used to describe your story ends in -ious! Delicious! I will blog again for you soon. And if I don't, I will see you on Saturday at 8pm at The Escapist Bookstore.
Fray Day 7 Bennington: Last minute call! Coming to Fray Day Bennington? About ready to burst with the story you're going to tell? Drop me a line! (stef@stef.net) We JUST MIGHT have a featured performer slot open for those who would be interested in paving the way for all the nervous nelly open mic-ers. And for all of you who are just coming to watch, have I mentioned that the event is totally free? Except of course if you want any of the fine nibblys that the South Street Cafe has to offer.
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Tickets and schedules Just a reminder that tickets for Fray Day 7 San Francisco will only be sold at the Victoria Theater box office, starting at 6pm on Saturday. The doors will open at 7pm and the show will begin at 7:30pm. If you'd like to sign up for the open microphone, be sure to read this and this and show up right at 7pm! The sign up sheet will be in the lobby. See you soon!
Fray Day 7 Central Florida: Parking, a preview, and more. If you're an O-Town resident who read about Fray Day Central Florida in the Orlando Sentinel on Friday, or if you've just been following along diligently here, we're looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. Directions are in an earlier post; it's easy to find, and there's parking on both University Ave next to the tennis courts, and there's a big grass parking lot on the other side of the tennis courts in front of the theatre. If you're attending and would like to tell a story of your own, please drop me an e.mail message; we're going to have a first-come, first-storytell sign-up sheet at the event, but I'd like to get an idea of who's planning to read, especially those who are making a long-distance trip for the occasion. Also, here's a preview of our interactive art project: It will involve many post-it notes. You'll have to show up if you want to know more.
Fray Day 7 Tucson: Fray 7 Tucson Poster dl!
Fray Day 7 Bennington: Where the heck is Bennington? Thinking about coming to Fray Day Bennington but have no idea how to get there? Being but a wee Vermont town on a list of big cities, I thought a set of directions might be helpful. Once you reach downtown Bennington, well... you're done! The South Street Cafe is just steps from the main intersection of US Route 7 (aka South Street) and VT Route 9.
Fray Day 7 Grand Rapids: DATE, TIME. LOCATION FRAY DAY 7 Grand Rapids. October 4, 2003 8pm 7 Ionia (across the street from TAPS bar)
Fray Day 7 NYC: Fray Day NYC Cancelled Sorry to report that Fray Day 7 in NYC is a no-go. I've had to take an amazing employment opportunity in the Bay Area, and was unable to find someone to take over the reins of the operation in time to get it working. My apologies to you all.
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Will you be there? Will you be attending Fray Day 7 San Francisco? Got a website? Then tell the world with one of these spiffy images! Continue reading "Will you be there?" »
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Alexis Harte
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Kevin Smokler
Fray Day 7 Tucson: Fray Volunteers Meet Meet at Biblio Tuesday eve at 7 to finalize plans for Fray Tucson! We heard that Al Foul may come tell a story before swaggering out to play the Crawl. And psychic Vee Phillips will be joining the Fray as well. Warner said "message in a bottle," so we will be providing the means for people to create those, and the means to scatter them to the winds.
Fray Day 7 Copenhagen: Fortællere (featured performers) This post is in Danish, about some of the featured performers at the Copenhagen Fray Day. For at sætte Fray Day aftenen godt i gang, vil der vanen tro være en række programsatte fortællere. Her følger en lille introduktion af nogle af dem ... Continue reading "Fortællere (featured performers)" »
Fray Day 7 Tucson: Fray Tucson featured performers Annoucing some of our featured performers: Emcee Diane Bombshelter, Maggie Golston, Jef Hamby, Drew Burke, Kim Beth, Regina Kelly, Sean Fitzpatrick, Jae Sutherland, Cia Romano, and a special performance by Tom Walbank. Special (returning) musical guests AZSessions, featuring Chooch, Madrid, and emmfour. Join us!
Fray Day 7 Chicago: Storytellers sign up ... Chicago ... sign up for the open mic portion of the Fray Day. Send me an email at fray@storyquest.us and we will put you on the list! Check out the performance guidelines first.
Fray Day 7 Chicago: Featured Performers Announced... David Kodeski, Billy Lombardo, Elyzabeth Ashe.... Fray Day 7 Chicago is shaping up! We have some great featured performers and more on the way. Continue reading "Featured Performers Announced..." »
Fray Day 7 LA: LA Open Mic Sign-up Attention all storytellers in the Los Angeles area: Sign-up for the Open Mic portion of Fray Day LA by sending me email today. The first ten people will be guaranteed a slot on the bill, plus a mention here on the Fray site. But please read the guidelines first! Thanks.
Fray Day 7 Houston: List of Featured Storytellers
Katy Kirby is an writer and independent filmmaker with a background in TV, documentaries and film. She has lived and worked in Texas and New York and has been known to hang around the Aurora Picture Show and KPFT radio station. Her story will be about her adventures on the New York City subways.
Cliff Maat is a 38 year old engineer and schoolteacher from California. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana and Russia; his story is about a certain cave trip to Russia... More to come. Feel free to email me if you are interested in being a featured storyteller.
Fray Day 7 Central Florida: Posters for Florida With the inaugural edition of Florida's Fray Day two weeks, two days, and two minutes away, we hope that fans of fray and others are making plans to come to DeLand for the event. We have a big theatre with plenty of seats, and they look much better with bodies in them. To help spread the word, here are some posters that you can print and hang up from Winter Park to Wakulla Springs to West Palm Beach:
Fray Day 7 LA: Dan Farren Graces LA Dan Farren has been a regular on the stand-up comedy circuit for several years. His TV appearances include VH1, the Game Show Network, To Tell the Truth and NBC's Secrets of Pro Wrestling Exposed (he can't tell you who he was, because then it wouldn't be a secret). Farren has had articles, plays and stories published in a variety of mediums and with his writing-producing partner Shari Becker, was the co-author of Underwhere?, one of the hits of this years Los Angeles Playwright's Express Festival. A regular at Beverly Mickin's Story Salon, Dan’s recent one person storytelling show, What Does Not Kill Me, Hurts For A Real Long Time, had a successful run at the Whitmore-Lindley Theatre in North Hollywood.
Fray Day 7 Houston: What Stories to Tell? Some have wondered what kind of storytelling works well for Fray Day? Fray has some helpful performance guidelines. Read on for some other idle thoughts.... Continue reading "What Stories to Tell? " »
Fray Day 7 Houston: Share Stories/Share the Music? A random thought. I recently wrote an essay, Share the Music, calling for people to share their music more. So I thought, if a cultured crowd of people are getting together to swap stories, why not swap music as well? So if you want to participate (and this is purely voluntary ), bring 2 copies of a mix CD you made, and bring it to the event. Then we can swap. That will show the RIAA Bullies a thing or two.
Fray Day 7 Houston: Fray Day is Free! Just in case you were wondering, Fray Day 7 Houston is a free event! But a few things to keep in mind: Nexus Cafe will have concessions (coffee, snacks, etc) for a small fee, and I will have Fray Day 7 T-shirts available for sale at the event as well. Also, a small number of CDs from the 2003 Fray Cafe in Austin will be available for sale as well.
Fray Day 7 Bennington: Featured Performer: Joseph Plessas
Fray Day 7 LA: LA's Smokin' Line-up Los Angeles is going to be smokin’ with a line-up that includes: Waymon Barnes, Celia Hemken, Paul Jacek, Marti MacGibbon, Julio Martinez, Beverly Mickins and American Comedy Award-winner writer/comedian Cathy Ladman. Bios coming soon.
Fray Day 7 Houston: Sound recording anyone? I don't know if sound engineers read sites like this, but if anyone has the desire and/or the capability to record this event, let me know. If so, then then perhaps these recordings could be put on the Net for everyone to hear.
Fray Day 7 Houston: Downloadable Flyer Available
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Join the Open Mic One of the things that makes Fray Day special is that, in addition to the featured performers you see listed here, you are invited to come on stage and tell a story in the open mic. In fact, we sprinkle the open mic participants throughout the evening, to keep things interesting. Wanna sign up? Read on for the details.... Continue reading "Join the Open Mic" »
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Updated Poster
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Noe Venable
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Beth Lisick
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Daphne Gottlieb
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Eric Rice
Fray Day 7 Denver: Featured Guests More on our featured guests: * Gia Mora Chinisci, singer/writer, will sing and read.
Fray Day 7 San Francisco: Featured Performer: Lance Arthur
Fray Day 7 Copenhagen: Now in Danish | Nu på dansk The following entry is in Danish, explaining Fray Day Copenhagen in greater detail. A sort of FAQ, if you will. Danes, read all about it ... Continue reading "Now in Danish | Nu på dansk" »
Fray Day 7 Copenhagen: News update from Copenhagen Fray Day in Copenhagen is starting to take real form. Below is a picture of Märkbar, the venue, along with instructions on how to get there. But before we get to that, listen to this: I have found a great set of allies, who'll help turn this event into an unforgettable evening. Some of the Copenhagen Bloggers (collective blog: CPHBlog), have agreed to help out. Expect more on this very soon!
Coming up in the news: Official press release, introduction of the evening's program and featured performers. Stay tuned.
Fray Day 7: Fourteen venues! With a month until Fray day 7, we now have our list of venues set. We've got fourteen venues this year - the most ever! Please give a warm welcome to the newest four: DeLand, Florida, Denver, Colorado, New York, New York, and Washington DC! If you live near one of these cities, we hope you'll come tell a story!
Fray Day 7 Denver: Denver Joins the Fray In the Rocky Mountains? Join us for our first Fray Day at the Bovine Metropolis Theatre located at 1527 Champa Street in Downtown Denver!
Fray Day 7 NYC: NYC SpaceTime Confirmed Fray's NYC presence is now confirmed and official. We assume control of the Galapagos Art Space in Williamsburg Brooklyn at 9:30pm, Sunday the 5th. If you have NYC-specific questions, feel free to email me: frayday at outlandishjosh.com |
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