who's performing
One of the things that I really enjoyed about Burning Man was that it was never clear who was performing for whom.dangling things were everywhere, dangling, bobbing bouncing things, grapelike, plumlike, peachlike floppy gentle fruitlike thingstrina <caterina@organic.com>
I loved how those who thought they were "spectators" were actually entertainment for the "performers".Nexist [DAR] <nexist@hevanet.com>
Serpent creature... I have a nighttime photo of you at the Mudhenge burn. The black/red paint cracked and weathered from the desert rollicking. Who are you? Would you like for me to send you a print?trip allen <trip.allen@nike.com>
Didn't we all perform? Wasn't this the longest biggest wildest peice of Performance Art ever? Burning Man was the best... notice the past tense. 1999, see you then .Angel
FIRST DAY: I am spray painting little monsters onto the PLAYA, and a woman asks me if I want to be painted. "Of course, I thought noone would ever ask!"Continue painting, and LIZARD MAN begs me not to, because it'll wreak the desert floor. [we experimented and discovered it brushed right up]
AFTER THAT: Danger Twenty Foot MAn, annoying or funny? FUNNY.
AFTER THAT: Punk band two doors down, annoying or the most weirdest serious buncha freaks making (music?) I ever watched. (one singer was the one who came over and painted us). They played Auto hoods, Tibetian horn-things, electric guitars, and Trunks in all seriousness.
REALLY LIKED: That one dude I came across, who beat a stuffed seal to a "bloody" pulp. He looked more like a University professor than anyone else there, buit he had a lot going on inside his head, besides, say lectures on Milton.
I STILL WANT TO: play another room full of pianos.
Mike <mkbrooks@popmail.leapnet.com>
this year, you were what you wore. I tripped on peoples reactions to me by wearing something totally different each day and experiencing the results in peoples attitudes.rockey <rockey@hooked.net>
When i perform i do not know who i am.filo <filobedo@bonejangler.om>
So I have seen the apocolyse and it isn't that bad. A litte dry, a little dusty, but pretty friendly overall.Ed Flynn <Flynned@fcb.com>
My old friend Gene and I where landsailing the dry lake bed and we come across this group of peaple setting up a large camp called Burning Man . THis was the week before Burning Man and these Peaple where the set up group about a 100 souls. WE had a great time that day and Gene and I will be at Burning Man 1997 . See Ya Gary +Gene +AllGary <ghailey1@pacbell.net>