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{ events by the fray organization }
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Fray Day 8
October - December, 2004
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. Previously
Fray Cafe Austin 4
14 March 2004
Austin, TX
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
Los Angeles, CA: Oct. 23
Grand Rapids, MI: Nov. 13

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April 2003

Fray Cafe Sedona: Venue Announcement
Posted by Derek on Tuesday 29 April 03 @ 4:14PM

We're thrilled to announce that we've found our home for Fray Day Sedona: The Canyon Moon Theatre. The small independent theater is in the Old Marketplace on Highway 89A in Sedona (map), and holds about 100 people. Tickets will be available soon.

And for all you press types, we've whipped up an official press release on the nitty gritty of Fray Cafe Sedona. Got a journalist friend? Pass it on!

Fray Day 7: Fray Day Needs You!
Posted by Derek on Thursday 24 April 03 @ 9:58AM

Last year Fray Day came to eleven cities worldwide, thanks to volunteers and organizers just like you! And this year we're depending on you to bring Fray Day to your town!

Fray is looking for volunteers and organizers in cities all over the world to help create Fray Day 7 events. We currently have people working on events in the following cities: Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX; Cambridge, MA; Copenhagen, Denmark; Grand Rapids, MI; Houston, TX; London, UK; Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Tucson, AZ.

If you live in one of these cities and would like to lend a hand in creating the event, or if you live in another city and would like to organize an event of your own, get in touch now! Just drop us a line, tell us where you live and what you'd like to do and we'll take it from there.

And thanks for helping to make Fray Day 7 real.

Fray Day 7: Date Set: October 4!
Posted by Derek on Saturday 12 April 03 @ 12:31PM

The date for the next worldwide Fray Day celebration of personal storytelling has been set: October 4! And, as ususal, that whole weekend is fair game. If you'd like to hold a Fray Day in your town get in touch now!

Fray Cafe Sedona: Date Set: Friday the 13th!
Posted by Derek on Saturday 12 April 03 @ 11:23AM

The Fray Organization is proud to announce that there will be a Fray Cafe in Sedona, Arizona on Friday, June 13. The specifics of the event will be announced soon, but you can expect performances by frayers like Lance Anderson, Heather Champ, and Derek Powazek. If you're in Sedona and would like to lend a hand, please get in touch!

This event is taking place in collaboration with the Digital Storytelling Festival, which takes place June 12-14, and also features Derek and Heather as speakers. Participation in the festival is not necessary to come to Fray Cafe, but if you'd like to attend, just put "FRAY" in the URL field when you register for a $145 discount.

Hope to see you in Sedona!

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