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I'm not wild about New Year's Eve. That particular night just seems like too much. Too much alcohol. Too much noise. Too much chaos.

Last New Year's Eve, I was at work at the casino where I'd been employed for three years. Every year I'd requested the night off and every year my request had been denied.

"It's going to be packed and we need our best dealers," my boss would always say. I didn't buy it. Yes, I was one of the better dealers but I still believe his admitted dislike for me played a bigger role in the situation than anything else.

Maybe I took it too personally. I just know I hated working on New Year's Eve. There's nothing worse than watching everyone else have a good time while you're not.

I tried to treat it as just another busy night ... casinos are almost always frenzied places anyway, so why should this night be any different?

But New Year's Eve is not just any other night. It's a time for reflection, for reminiscing, and for the ever-popular (and often short-lived) New Year's Resolutions.

Ah, yes. Those. I find them rather silly. I mean, if someone wants to make a drastic change, why not do it immediately? Does having a fresh calendar on the wall help that much?

But last New Year's Eve I made a promise to myself.

As I sat there during the countdown, champagne being splashed in my hair and those god-awful noisemakers nearly drowning out the sound of Bo Diddley singing "Auld Lang Syne" on the other side of the casino, I told myself in no uncertain terms that I would not spend another New Year's Eve like this.

It took six months, but I kept that promise. I walked away from my job the following June.

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What's your New Year's resolution?
