Pet Stories
By Fray Authors
Somehow, their animal presence makes us more human. |
Chagrin and the Men I have Loved
By Margaret Berry
Whenever I've had something to blush about, the men I love have always been there.
Resolutions 2003
By Derek Powazek and You
The slate is clear, the possibilities are endless, and the universe is listening.
Counting Flags
By Kevin Smokler
I wanted to spend the 4th with someone who always knew the way back home.
Missing Pieces
By Fray Authors
September 11 left holes in the skyline, holes in our spirit.
A Year of Stories
By Fray Authors
2001. Say it out loud and let your mind wander. Kubrick. Space. The future.
By Mary T. Helmes
He came to town with a guitar, lightning quick wit, and hair down around his shoulders.
I Voted 2000
By Fray Authors
14 different voices telling 14 different stories about politics, elections, and America.
My Stupid Childhood
By Lance Arthur
After a while everything becomes boring and you want something new. My new thing was a pair of skates.
The Year 2000
By Derek Powazek and You
Where were you when the clock struck midnight?
Giving Thanks
By Derek Powazek and You
This thanksgiving I'm thankful for love, support, and blueberry jam.
The Blackout
By Dori Mondon
"You might want to take a shower as soon as possible. The water tank is gonna run out."
Star Wars Memories
By Adam Rakunas
The lights go down and I'm laughing at the pure joy of seeing giant yellow words scroll up the screen.
By Fray Authors
It always seemed so far away, but here we are in 1999.
The Nicest Person in San Francisco
By Derek Powazek
I cranked the stereo up and the windows down. I was ready for an adventure. And I was gonna get it.
Strange Beds
By Janelle Brown
The daily imprint of a body and its scent never quite disappears.
By Steven Champeon
It's not that we fight, we just don't connect.
By Shauna Wright
There was never any doubt about what Cali was going to do.
By Traci Vogel
I put my ear down on the rail to check for vibrations.
By Michael Woodward
I made small talk and watched as the cars blurred by. Eventually I worked up the courage.
The Book of Burning Man
By Derek Powazek and You
This year we took the posting to the playa.
My Superpower
By Caterina Fake
I prefer to think of it as The Superpower of Drawing Things To People's Attention. |
Meeting Peter Again
By Alex Massie
Maybe it was the gentle rain that made him so reserved. Maybe it was the stress. Or maybe it was me.
Meeting Peter
By Alex Massie
If it's just an innocent little flirtation, why do I feel so guilty when he catches me?
Celebrating Mom
By Susan Paulsen
That day, torn from my history, has never made me stop and think. Until now.
By Adam Rakunas
They were subtle, mental, hidden. It was their house.
By Magdalena Donea
The fact that I don't remember the first time still unnerves me.
In Lanes
By Greg Knauss
I wonder why he decided to jump when he did.
Passages of the Rock River
By Luke Seemann
An ancient black and white photo preserves my oldest memory of Grandpa Rohde.
Disposable Lives
By Alex Massie
How many names do you have? Most people have two, maybe three. Not so for me.
Burning The Man
By Derek Powazek and You
At Burning Man there are no observers ... only participants.