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{ events by the fray organization }
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Fray Day 8
October - December, 2004
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. Previously
Fray Cafe Austin 4
14 March 2004
Austin, TX
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
Oct. 23 Los Angeles
Oct. 23 Mesa/Phoenix
Oct. 31 Copenhagen
Nov. 13 Dallas
Nov. 13 San Francisco
Nov. 13 Madrid
Nov. 14 New Haven
Nov. 16 Central Florida
Nov. 17 Washington DC
Nov. 20 Fredericksburg
Dec. 1 Milwaukee
Dec. 2 Tucson

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Fray Day 8: Fray Day FAQ
Posted by Derek on Monday 23 August 04 @ 9:48PM   0 Comments

What is Fray Day?
Fray Day is an evening of true stories told by real people in real time. Events take place all over the world and are all a little different, but each event features a few featured performers and a storytelling open mic, where anyone can sign up to tell a true, personal story in 5 minutes or less. Some events also include music, poetry, and interactive art.

Who's behind this?
Fray was started 8 years ago by Derek Powazek, who still heads up the San Francisco event. Other events are created by volunteer organizers with a love of true stories. Together we make up the motley crew known as the Fray Organization, and we're currently in the process of become a 501c3 nonprofit.


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