XML Syndication |
Saturday 22 February 03
Open call for war stories As everyone knows, we're on the brink of a second war in Iraq. So I think now would be a good time to tell some personal stories about war, to remind ourselves what's at stake. So this is an open call for submissions. If you have a story about how war has touched your life, please consider submitting it to {fray}. Please note, {fray} is not political - we're not looking for pro/anti-war debates. I just think now would be a good time for the personal stories of the realities of war to get out. The question at the end of the story will ask the readers to tell stories about how war has touched their lives. {fray} stories are personal stories. They can be about small moments that seen important in retrospect or big moments from personal angles. And they're always true. Stories submitted to {fray} are still owned and copyright their original authors. We just ask for a one-time non-exclusive right to publish them. We'll give the story a nice design, promote it online and on our mailing list, and open it up to stories posted from the audience. If you are pursuing a writing career, this can be a great way to get your name out there. Of course, we encourage everyone to tell their story, even if they don't consider themselves a "writer." Interested? Email your submission or any questions to submit@fray.com. And feel free to pass this call along to anyone you know, especially gulf war veterans. Thanks for your consideration. |
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