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{ events by the fray organization }
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Fray Day 8
October - December, 2004
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. Previously
Fray Cafe Austin 4
14 March 2004
Austin, TX
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
Oct. 23 Los Angeles
Oct. 23 Mesa/Phoenix
Oct. 31 Copenhagen
Nov. 13 Dallas
Nov. 13 San Francisco
Nov. 13 Madrid
Nov. 14 New Haven
Nov. 16 Central Florida
Nov. 17 Washington DC
Nov. 20 Fredericksburg
Dec. 1 Milwaukee
Dec. 2 Tucson

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Fray Day 8 Mesa: It's Coming!
Posted by Mohamed on Wednesday 6 October 04 @ 5:50PM

October 23rd 2p at the Anthology Cafe is rolling up quicker than you can imagine and we've got the vocal stylings of Bill Campana in store among many many others. Interested? Want to be involved? Write us! Bob (bob at anthology dot org) and Mohamed (fray at lofatmo dot com) are waiting to show you where and how.

Come down, bring your story, bring your friends, bring it all to the Anthology Cafe on Fray Day

« Mike Bonifer Featured   { events }   Fray Day 8: DC Style! »

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