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{ events by the fray organization }
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Fray Day 8
October - December, 2004
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. Previously
Fray Cafe Austin 4
14 March 2004
Austin, TX
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
Oct. 23 Los Angeles
Oct. 23 Mesa/Phoenix
Oct. 31 Copenhagen
Nov. 13 Dallas
Nov. 13 San Francisco
Nov. 13 Madrid
Nov. 14 New Haven
Nov. 16 Central Florida
Nov. 17 Washington DC
Nov. 20 Fredericksburg
Dec. 1 Milwaukee
Dec. 2 Tucson

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Fray Cafe Sedona: Photos from Sedona!
Posted by Derek on Sunday 29 June 03 @ 10:21PM

Fray Cafe Sedona was a really special evening. Two and a half hours of some excellent, intimate storytelling. And now we have photographic evedence! Check out some of the photos from that incredible night.

Derek Powazek started the evening off with a live rendition of I Like to Travel. (Thanks to Mark Bernstein for the photo!) Brenda Laurel told the tale of her journey with Linda Rose from Columbus, Ohio, to a bar in a run-down Tacoma hotel. Eric Elnes told a story called How My Dad Saved the Socialist. Tony Corito told a story called Golfing the Dream Awake. Karyl Goldsmith told a story about an Italian motorcycle. Jim Inbody came with a story about a frog. But when he heard the other performers, he decided to tell a more personal story. He called it, The Smartest Man I Ever Met, and I Didn't Know It. It was about his dad, who worked on the bombs that ultimately landed on Hiroshima. Mike Bonifer, who's currently working on a documentary called Finding Bully Murray, told a story about a Japanese tea ceremony gone terribly wrong. Kate Peters told a story called My Mom's Advice. Chris Rayko told a story about a near-death experience in a cave. Michelle McGeoy told a story about making change, inside and out. CJ Beaman told a story called Prince Pandar's Chagall. A surprise musical finale by Teri Scheinzeit.

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