{ fray day 3 }

Where are you today?

I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, with the sweetest guy this side of the mississippi.

Jaime {bh11272@binghamton.edu}


I’m watching her smile And it fills a room

Every one wants to stand beside her It makes them look pure It makes them look more beautiful then what they are

I’ll just remain that shoulder to cry on

robert {lurid@attcanada.nnet}

The magnificent pinks and oranges of a Cape Town sunset are visible above the horizon. I have just begun our 24 hour fast of complete renunciation for Yom Kippur. Wishing I was in San Francisco but hey...it's beautiful here!!!

liora {elio@iafrica.com}


I turned 18 today. It wasn't like I thought it would me. Or how I hoped it would be. For some childish reason I thought I would feel different, or I should feel different. Like turning 18 would produce some huge cosmic blast and the world would be a better place. But it wasn't I still look the same i still feel the same. My smile is still slightly lopsided, I'm still chunky and Monday I will still have to go to school and try to finish my senior year. But for one day I was special. Surrounded my friends and ice cream and cake and star wars gift wrap. My boyfriend in Mass called me 1 minute after midnight and sang his own slightly off-key remdition of happy birthday and somewhere in my mind I knew nothing is going to change. But someday it will change and I promised myself I am going to the next Fray day and turn 19 in San Francisco instead of Ohio. So until then...Happy Birthday Fray and Congrad's Derek

Megan {earthwich@aol.com}

Today I am doing nothing except hang out in bed, drinking Earl Grey and waiting for my cough to go away. Later on there will be Wip3out on the playstation, and then a visit from my brother. Dinner probably. Good.

It's raining outside. A lot.

Today is a Good Day To Stay Inside.

Christian Mogensen


because the three days in a row going to the beach, now my skin needs to stay home. i'm updating me on the web. yeah, fray turning into three was the best msg i received, and i'm happy there's a party on sf. congratulations! i had lunch a couple hours ago and next thing to do is to watch a special program about my favorite musician on tv. i'm feeling good and hope you, reading me right now, are too. fill your time with what you want to do. and peace and love from brazil.

nando {nandop@headphone.com.br}

I'm in the kind of hell I wouldn't wish on anyone.



Ha! You know exactly where I am.. not there yet... alas... my small friend arrived in SFO the same day as the fray3... I'm still sitting around here in wonderland waiting for my plane to the mountains to come... I will be there... we will eat sushi... I will laugh @ the chip shop in fisherman's warf... we will swap stories from the magical orient and the prisons of east berlin...

F.S.4.T.S remember :) ?


mister christopher {chris@wonderstore.com}

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