Sense of Direction
by Anil Dash
I Am Not Afraid to Fly
by Cameron Barrett
Late Afternoon in Greenwich
by David Drake
Million Dollar Skyline View
by Dori Mondon
by Edward Klink
Getting Closer
by George Weld
by Grant Barrett
Hanging On
by Jason Levine
What the Bombs Did
by Jeffrey Zeldman
No Stories to Tell
by Karen Grünberg
Making Sandwiches
by Leslie Harpold
by Magdalen Powers
Staring at Those Towers
by Redrick deLeon
No Replacements, No Returns
by Roe Bianculli-Taylor
The people who call me are calmer today.
They say things like "desperately," but they sound more determined, less frantic, like they've eaten and slept, maybe turned off the TV for awhile.
I work in a non-medical capacity at an uptown hospital. What has and will affect me most maybe not acutely but chronically, to use medical terms isn't so much the near-to-screaming horror I felt when I watched the first of the towers collapse on live TV, five minutes after walking in from a blissfully ignorant commute I will always look back on with fondness and longing. It's these calls. It's the helplessness and utter inadequacy I feel when I transfer them to the person with the list the person I know probably won't be able to help them either.
"I've called every other hospital."
What can I say to them? I just try as much as I can to sound kind, sound compassionate, sound calm, and let them hope just a few seconds more.
Magdalen Powers