I will pause here to remark on the stupidity of children. Children aren't
curious. They aren't ignorant, either. They're just stupid. They do stupid
things, and when they aren't caught, they do them again to see if they were
as stupid as they seemed the first time.
With my head inside the mailbox, I noticed that I could hear myself
breathing exceptionally loudly. And if I then spoke, my voice reverberated
back at me like an echo. A very loud, very tinny echo. And in fact I had
discovered having inserted my huge melon-shaped noggin in the mailbox -
that my head was, just as I had observed, a perfect fit.
What I hadn't noticed was that once inserted, all I had to do was twist my
neck slightly and my head could get stuck inside the mailbox. Further, I
had elected to attempt this experiment while wearing roller-skates, which
did an amazing job of eliminating traction on the inclined driveway. What,
then, could be a better test of human endurance than for me to start
screaming inside the mailbox?
The answer is, of course, nothing.