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{ events by the fray organization }
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Fray Day 8
October - December, 2004
The fray organization is devoted to the art of the personal story. We hold events where real people tell true stories in real time. And you're invited. Previously
Fray Cafe Austin 4
14 March 2004
Austin, TX
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Fray Day 8: Oct. - Dec.
Oct. 23 Los Angeles
Oct. 23 Mesa/Phoenix
Oct. 31 Copenhagen
Nov. 13 Dallas
Nov. 13 San Francisco
Nov. 13 Madrid
Nov. 14 New Haven
Nov. 16 Central Florida
Nov. 17 Washington DC
Nov. 20 Fredericksburg
Dec. 1 Milwaukee
Dec. 2 Tucson

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Fray Day 7 Houston: List of Featured Storytellers
Posted by Robert on Wednesday 17 September 03 @ 10:44AM

brian harrodBrian Herod (Bio) is a professional storyteller and member of the Houston Storytellers' Guild. He has received several awards and grants for his storytelling.

Robert Nagle
Robert Nagle (me). I'll be telling a story, "Finding Sako" about my attempt to track down an Albanian artist in Tirana, Albana. I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Albania between 1995 and 1997.

Katy Kirby is an writer and independent filmmaker with a background in TV, documentaries and film. She has lived and worked in Texas and New York and has been known to hang around the Aurora Picture Show and KPFT radio station. Her story will be about her adventures on the New York City subways.

David Chien
David Chien is a young graphic artist and cartoonist. His story is entitled, "The Nasty Leg Scar."

Matthew Mullenweg is a student at University of Houston, web programmer (and lead developer of wordpress), saxophone player and photo fanatic . He attended HSVPA high school in Houston.

Cliff Maat is a 38 year old engineer and schoolteacher from California. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana and Russia; his story is about a certain cave trip to Russia...

More to come. Feel free to email me if you are interested in being a featured storyteller.

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