Fray Issue 2 Theme: Geek »
Fray Isse 2 will be on this theme:
Geek: Stories of People Taking Things Way Too Seriously
“Geek” doesn’t just mean “computer nerd”. To be a geek about something is to love it unconditionally - to have it crawl into that special place in your mind, where it takes up residence, crowding all the normal things out.
There are many kinds of geeks: superfans, cinephiles, deadheads, collectors, enthusiasts devoted to the sublimely obscure. This issue of Fray seeks to illuminate the many faces of geekdom, from the inside out. What are you a geek about?
We’re looking for submissions of:
- True personal stories on the theme.
- Articles exploring some facet of geekdom.
- Interviews with notable geeks of all stripes.
- Original artworks that play with the theme.
Writers: Submissions can be sent via email to “geek” at this domain. Shoot for 600-900 words, more as needed.
Artists: We’re looking for works of art on the theme. You can submit it at Pixish!
The final deadline is April 15. Remember, this theme is a celebration of geekdom, so we don’t want dorky dorks - we want “pwning ur azz” geeks!
We can’t wait to see what you make.
UPDATE: Thinking about writing a story for Fray’s Geek book but not sure what to write about? Here are a few ideas for stories we’d love to see.